
«John Adams: My dearest friend, whether I stand high or low in the estimation of the world, my conscience is clear. I thank God I have you for a partner in all the joys and sorrows, all the prosperity and adversity of my life. To take a part with me in the struggle.

Abigail Adams: Should I draw you the picture of my heart, you would know with what indescribable pleasure I have seen so many scores of years roll over our heads, with an affection heightened and improved by time. Nor have the dreary years of absence in the smallest degree effaced from my mind the image of the dear, untitled man to whom I gave my heart. You could not be, nor did I wish to see you, an inactive spectator.

John Adams: Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven, that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.»

Del final de John Adams (2008) (y este de la correspondencia entre John y Abigail Adams). Una de las escenas más bellas que recuerdo, además de aglutinadora de todo lo que pienso sobre las relaciones y la política –es decir, de todo lo que pienso.

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